Gleaning from the weekend

First of all Saturday was busy.

Sunday (I gave Jeff Wii Tiger Woods Golf for Fathers Day) we went to Jeff’s Dad’s Church for Father’s Day. Jeff’s Aunt Naomi was there, so of course she would be invited to the dinner we were having after church. We went home and had dinner and later Jason stopped by. I met Aunt Naomi at her son’s funeral in January of 2005. He died of cancer in his 30s. While she was at dinner we were talking about German food and she mentioned she had lived in Germany for a year because her husband was in the service. From this conversation I learned that her husband had been an alcoholic and that later after he was out of the service he died in a tragic accident. Now sbe has one grandson who lives with her. He is not living righteously, her son who died of cancer had not been living righteously. She mentioned on her way out the door that she would be more welcome at our house than at her daughter’s house. That is sad. Today I can pray for Aunt Naomi. I told Jeff she is welcome at our house any time. I hope we were a blessing to her yesterday.

Also on my mind are a couple from my old church whose son will not come to see them and they don’t know where he is. That is sad and I am praying for them. They did not deserve that.

It’s no wonder Paul said pray without ceasing, and we have it easy compared to him and the early church believers.

No matter what God is worthy of our praise and we were created to bring Him honor and glory.


Change is gonna come

It’s been a long time coming But I know a change is gonna come -Sam Cooke 1964

Saturday – I am tired but had a full day. Meeting in the church in the morning, a little shopping trip and taco salad. Shopping trip yielded new book and two new tops. Also a gift book for Viv’s teacher for the last day of school. Barnes and Noble and Belks

God bless you and the rest of your weekend, part of which tomorrow I hope you spend worshipping God, having a Sabbath rest, and fellowshipping with people who believe in Jesus.

My thoughts on VT

I can’t imagine any of us haven’t had some questioning thoughts and deep sadness about what happened at Virginia Tech. Though I don’t know anyone at that campus, I still feel a loss. I can’t make sense of a lot of things that happen in our world. I only know we need Jesus badly.

I went to and this artice has some good points.

I learned a new word

cer·ti·tude    [sur-ti-tood, -tyood] Pronunciation KeyShow IPA Pronunciation


freedom from doubt, esp. in matters of faith or opinion; certainty.

[Origin: 1375–1425; late ME < LL certit?d?, equiv. to L certi- (comb. form of certus sure; see certain) + -t?d? -tude]


assurance, conviction, belief. Unabridged (v 1.1)

I learned this as a result of working on my assignment for my IU class. I was looking for a better way to say “troubleshooter” for the assignment that I have to name skills I have and I went on and CERTITUDE came up as an antonym for “problem”. I like that word!


Maid To Be A Mother

by E. Gordan Scott


Welcome to the home that lives within this house,

Where loving little kids is all that really counts.

The dishes in the sink, the crumbs upon the floor,

And all the dirty laundry are secondary chores.

Now don’t assume I’m lazy by looking at this mess,

I put in 40 hours and still don’t take a rest.

I polish little minds as bright as they can be,

And sweep out tiny hearts and keep them pure and clean.

Each and every soul is scrubbed until it gleams,

I also pick up spirits, should they ever lose a dream.

So push the clothes on over and have yourself a seat –

Excuse the toys and cookie crumbs sticking to your feet!

Judge me as a mother, not the maid I ought to be,

I prefer sparkling little lives to a house dirt free.