Average Wednesday

Got a little more decorating done,  Had a roast Jeff’s dad made for supper. We share back and forth now and then. He made it the way I do with the spaghetti sauce. Church was a good reminder about friendship evangelism

Christmas Spirit

Went over next door to give Mert her birthday present and have some ice cream with her.

Leftovers for supper.

Came home and started decorating for Christmas. More to go, more to go!

No matter how over-Christmas-ed I get the previous year and think I just can’t do it again-(it happens after 40 or so Christmases), I just go into it automatically on Thanksgiving. What is it?

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hallelujah!

Had an interesting Monday.

Work was catching up from the long weekend. Went ok, but when I left I felt like I had been reprogrammed to Taylor-ism. I’m glad God never changes or tries to program us. He lets us serve Him freely and I do gladly.